….received "I am André" and finished it last night. What a work of love, so well researched, organized and wonderfully written, this powerful story of human values, courage and perseverance. Bravo Diana!!!

An extraordinary book that is most important in this day and age for a number of reasons.

Diana Mara Henry eloquently tells the story of a brave, dedicated and perhaps obstinate man. Joseph Scheinmann/Andre Peulevey witnessed evil in many forms and stood firm against them. This important account also sheds a small ray of light into the very closed world of the British Intelligence Service and its desperate fight to regain its primacy after the disasters of 1940. Cracks are appearing in the mantle of secrecy surrounding the wartime efforts of the Service but it is unlikely they will all be truly revealed.

More importantly, ‘I am Andre’ demonstrates the utter depravity that we human beings can sink to. It is important in describing the horrors of the Natzweiler/Struhof camp, itself on French soil.  The story recounted must never be forgotten as war again threatens Europe and many of the horrors return.

Despite all, Joseph Scheinmann survived and he survived with honour. 

I Am Andre’ is an important book; the story it tells is important…and told so well.“…such an important book about the past and its relevance for the present and future.” _ Roderick De Normann

A true hero and you dedicated so much of your life  to researching Natzweiler history and putting book together and published….have always thought very highly of your work and hope this books gets wide notice.

J'ai eu beaucoup de plaisir à lire "I am Andre", cet ouvrage est extrêmement bien documenté et il servira certainement de référence à tous ceux qui font des recherches sur la dernière guerre.

Bravo, j'espère que les ventes se passent bien et que les lecteurs sont nombreux. Amitiés de Monik

…a zinger of a tale of WWII heroism!

What can I say about Andre that isn't already being said?  First of all, add another big WOW!  Also, might you have the interest of a film or television producer?  It's a great story, and what a great part for an actor!  The character Andre metamorphoses from place to place, from role to role he's asked to play, and he does it all with finesse and a certain brilliance.  He's reflective in the penumbra-like places - and the character is enriched by these pauses.  I could go on… just add me to your accolades. 

Just thinking.....

your book is very special!

….whether theatre or film or tv series - is that your material is very dramatic in the hands of the right person.  I've thought about actors who could play Andre, but don't yet have a great fit - but what a great role (rather showy!)

It’s a brilliant book, important memoir, based on extensive scholarship and research….never encountered anything like this.

Just to thank you again for your dedication and perseverance in bringing the book about Andre's to us all. A timely present!!

5.0 out of 5 stars "I Am Andre" ... Masterfully written ... and an Important Historical Account. Highly recommended.

I just finished reading "I Am Andre." Un vrai tour de force! What an incredible story. I am impressed with the huge amount of work put into this extensive research and writing endeavor. I have visited the Natzweiler / Struthof CC. It is an awful place which still smells of death. "I Am André" brought me back to this present day shrine honoring the resistance and those who were subjected to Natzweiler and all its horrors. It was like I was there again. Hard to believe Andre could survive being there let alone thereafter move on with his life. He was a very strong and heroic guy. It is a great story, told so beautifully. This is an important historical piece. Bravo to the author!

Your book is the culmination of what became your life's work.  I know how incredibly long you have been working on this, and how frustrating it has been at times.  It is really a testament to your perseverance, tenacity, and scholarship.  I congratulate you on this remarkable achievement and trust that it will bring you the recognition that you so richly deserve.

I'm awe-struck at the amount of work you must have spent, pulling together and assembling all the details about André!  What an interesting and admirable character.Your book on Andre is a real gem.(I hope the term "movie rights" has crossed your mind!)

It is an amazing, almost unbelievable and well researched story -Phyllis Chesler post Jan 12….

Hi Diana, It's a stunning piece of work -- well worth the extraordinary effort and time you've invested in it….a hugely admiring reader….

Finding a quiet place to read, I was in the shadow of Andre and following in his footsteps. I asked, “What would I do? Because I lacked firsthand knowledge of that time, relying only on media reports. If this were a movie, Henry takes you behind the scenes. Documentation supports the facts, along with other details. 

After reading the book, there is a better understanding of that era in history. If I met Andre, I would extend my hand and say, God bless you for all of your actions.

How can you tell if this is a good book? If interrupted while reading, I would need to read another page before stopping.

The book stirs the emotions, and you do not know how to feel. Andre was a remarkable person, among other things. If you want to know what is a German Jew? What did a French Resistance Fighter do? “What was a British Spy? My response, read I AM ANDRE


Thank you so much,readers! I am glad you are enjoying this book!- DMH